Tuba Ozkan

I'm Tuba, a senior product designer at Squarespace. By my designs and coaching abilities, I help people to learn new skills and unlock their creativity.

I'm Tuba, a product designer at Squarespace. By my designs and coaching abilities, I help people to learn new skills and unlock their creativity.

I'm Tuba, a product designer at Squarespace. By my designs and coaching abilities, I help people to learn new skills and unlock their creativity.

I'm Tuba, a product designer at Squarespace. By my designs and coaching abilities, I help people to learn new skills and unlock their creativity.

I'm Tuba, a product designer at Squarespace. By my designs and coaching abilities, I help people to learn new skills and unlock their creativity.

Previously at Codecademy and Animoto.

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2020 - 2021

Product Design, Research, Product Strategy, Visual Design

Product Design, Research, Product Strategy, Visual Design

An interactive platform for learning modern skills. Designing solutions to help learners to build consistent learning habits. 

An interactive platform for learning modern skills. Designing solutions to help learners to build consistent learning habits. 


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2019 - 2020

Product Design, Research, Product Strategy, System Design

Product Design, Research, Product Strategy, System Design

Video editing re-imagined. Reduced average video editing time by optimizing the essential user flows. 

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Leadership, UX Design, Art Direction, 3D Modelling

An augmented reality (AR) escape room experience for TV show Project Blue Book. Led the team and showcased the experience at NYC Media Lab Demo Day and at NYCML'19. 

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Visual Design, Team Lead

How to confront, embrace, and learn from the unavoidable failures of creative practice; with case studies that range from winemaking to animation.  Analyzed & visualized the creative process of ten individuals.  

How to confront, embrace, and learn from the unavoidable failures of creative practice; with case studies that range from winemaking to animation.  Analyzed & visualized the creative process of ten individuals.  

How to confront, embrace, and learn from the unavoidable failures of creative practice; with case studies that range from winemaking to animation.  Analyzed & visualized the creative process of ten individuals.  

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Product Design, Research

Teknikio: Create with technology. Designed invention kits for dreamers. 

Teknikio: Create with technology. Designed invention kits for dreamers. 

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I work at the intersection of product, research & strategy, bringing a heavy sense of system thinking to my digital work. Currently based in New York, designing solutions at Squarespace to help people build and grow their business.

© 2022 Tuba Ozkan All Rights Reserved